
Breeders Reference: 18B19
Maturity period: Early fruiting, Nelson. NZ.
Fruit size: Medium Large: 100g
Shape: Oval
Uniformity: Uniform
Colour: Green
Skin finish: Textured
Flavour: Rich tropical Feijoa flavour
Texture: firm flesh
Grittiness: minimal
Locule content: full
Cropping: very good yields
Harvest: fruit well-displayed and easy to pick
Fertility: Self Fertile
Shelf life: good
Plant habit: upright
Plant vigour: high
Pest & disease resistance: healthy variety

This variety is an early, high yielding, and fast growing tree; with higher average fruit weight than Apollo and Unique. The fruit are classic rugby ball shaped, and are mostly medium or large sized. The fruit are low acid, and therefore mild tasting, with a tropical flavour. These fruit were very popular in public taste trials. The plants are self fertile and the fruit stores well. The variety is PVR protected.


Breeders Reference: 15B11
Maturity period: Mid season fruiting in Nelson New Zealand.
Fruit size: Medium Large: 100g
Shape: Oval
Uniformity: Uniform
Colour: Green
Skin finish: Textured
Flavour: Mild Feijoa flavour
Texture: firm flesh
Grittiness: minimal
Locule content: full
Cropping: very good yields
Harvest: fruit well-displayed and easy to pick
Shelf life: good
Plant habit: upright
Plant vigour: high
Pest & disease resistance: healthy variety
Fertility: Self Fertile

Kawateri is an early-mid, high yielding, and fast growing tree; with attractively shaped delicious juicy fruit and a light lime flavour. Kawteri has a higher fruit count, with a slightly lower average fruit weight, when compared to Waitui. The fruit is low acid, and therefore mild tasting, and stores well. The variety is PVR protected.


Breeders Reference: 1-15 Maturity period: Late fruiting in Nelson New Zealand
Fruit size: Small to very large: 130g
Shape: Oval
Uniformity: full range of fruit sizes
Colour: Green
Skin finish: Smooth
Flavour: Strong traditional feijoa flavour
Texture: Firm flesh
Grittiness: Some
Locule content: Full
Cropping: Very good yields if fed well.
Harvest: Fruit well-displayed and easy to pick
Shelf life: Good
Plant habit: Upright
Plant vigour: Very good
Pest & disease resistance: Healthy variety
Fertility: Self Fertile

Waingaro is a late high yielding tree that produces many good looking large fruit with a rich feijoa flavour. The fruit has an almost tasteless and thin smooth skin. The tree needs to be thinned or pruned as it produces too many flowers. The fruit stores well. Sales to the public are via Colorscape Nurseries and the retailers it supplies. The variety is PVR protected.


Breeders Reference: 16B10
Maturity period: Very early fruiting in Nelson New Zealand
Fruit size: Medium Large: 100g
Shape: Oval
Uniformity: Medium
Colour: Green
Skin finish: Textured
Flavour: Rich tropical feijoa flavour
Texture: firm flesh
Grittiness: minimal
Locule content: full
Cropping: Good yields
Harvest: Fruit well-displayed and easy to pick
Shelf life: Short
Plant habit: Upright
Plant vigour: Very good
Pest & disease resistance: Healthy variety
Fertility: Self Fertile

Takaka is a very early fruit bearer with large fruit that can have a delicious rich tropical flavour. Is a more vigorous growing and larger tree than Waingaro, and Karamea. Sales to the public are only from retail outlets supplied by Thirkettles Nurseries. The variety is PVR protected.

"Our passion is to deliver delicious and healthy feijoa fruit from sustainable agriculture, a strong united feijoa industry, and fair trade business".
Copyright © Foretaste Feijoa Fruit Ltd 2011. All Rights Reserved.